That Homeopathy and Christianity are incompatible, as I have occasionally heard, rather puzzles me. I say this a Church attendee throughout most of my life. This view is slightly strange as I recall that the family doctor of my childhood in Glasgow – a member of the Faculty of Homeopathy – had an open Bible Read More
© Can Stock Photo / leonido Homeopathy Solutions for Joint and Muscle Pain – The Hippy Shakes Homeopathy can help with joint and muscle pain. With early intervention may save the surgeon’s knife. Now, there is no denying the wonders of modern surgery and hip-joint replacement. This seems to have become almost a right of Read More
This article is a reflection on the long history of homeopathic medicine, a medical system based with a rich history and profound philosophical basis Throwing Baby Out with the Bathwater – the hazard or either/or thinking Back to the future? The rich history of homeopathic medicine is interesting. It seems to me that we are Read More
Homeopathy a Royal History Prince (now King) Charles has long been a supporter of Homeopathy and his mother and grandmother before him. If you live in the United Kingdom you could hardly have missed the Coronation of King Charles III, even if you so wished. Prince Charles on Harmony Whatever your views on monachy, few Read More
Can Homeopathy help anxiety and depression? That is the question. We can all have a bit of a wobble. This can be for any number of reasons: a consequence of some event in the past or anticipation of an event to come. The root cause may even reach back to an event in the distant Read More
A more practical topic this month: homeopathy for tooth nerve pain or neuralgia My problem being a neuralgia, on the left side and lower jaw of my face. Tooth nerve pain was the likely cause. It didn’t improve my humour! And it got me out of bed at 3am for a few nights.. 🙁 This Read More
River of Life: Who or What Am I (or you for that matter) That water has memory is key to homeopathy and frontier science. When it comes to our physical body there are some remarkable statistics: (from Unfolding Consciousness by E. Bilimora, 2022, Shepherd-Walwyn Publishers) Added to that we are substantially water – roughly two Read More
I heard someone on the radio saying that we are living healthier and longer lives than ever before. In fact it is a mantra that is often stated. We take such a statement at face value because it seems to make sense, after all the average lifespan in the UK is just north of 80 Read More
Three string violin This blog argues that both allopathic and homeopathic medicine have a place in medicine today. I am not a musician, but I am told that a good violinist can – within limits – continue to play on three strings should the fourth break. The words of the song “three wheels on my Read More
This blog is about remembering the past and specifically the benefits of homeopathy. The thing is we do forget. The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month is soon upon us and it serves indeed as a reminder of past conflicts. But I suspect for most youngsters the two world wars might Read More
Chasing Clouds? This week a letter came through the door from the NHS inviting me for a Covid booster jab. I still await guidance on building natural immunity to Covid. Having all become armchair epidemioligists / virologists in the last few years, I find this approach fascinating. By now we all know how much of Read More
Homeopathy’s Nemesis The meaning of the word is ‘the agent of something’s down fall’ and this blog considers whether homeopathy is or is not a placebo. Emeritus Professor Edzard Ernst, who prior to his retirement was chair of the Department of Complementary Medicine at Exeter University, took a rather negative stance on complementary medicine and Read More
My wife and I just spent a week touring the Western Isles. I didn’t take this photo as a substitute for a tree (its a blowy place in winter and the soil is shallow, so trees are few) but it got me thinking about power and the messages we receive. Holidays give you time to Read More
The lure of the sea – all the colours I was rather struck by these colourful beach huts (and the price of them!) which brings me to write again about Homeopathy and nutrition. Last week I was in Chelmsford to attend the Allen College of Homeopathy Summer Conference to learn from a master prescriber, Dr Read More
Garden of Many Colours..Food too! This year has been particularly good for azaleas and rhododendrons. The photos here were taken in Inchmarlo near Aberdeen just a few weeks ago. Exbury gardens locally are a similar example. Foods of many colours = foods of many nutrients The colours brought to mind advice for an anti-inflammatory diet Read More
It was concerning to read about the quantity of pharma drugs in rivers today. This article considers the consequences and alternatives. Pharma Drugs in Rivers – Time to Clean-up? Back in February The Week published the following short article: Pharmaceutical pollution is contaminating the rivers on every continent, a major study has shown. Scientists at Read More
So what are Homeopathic remedies (medicines) and how do they differ from what we now consider to be orthodox medicines. I had the dubious pleasure of a FB encounter with a person who was under the illusion that the homeopathic preparation Mercurius was a poison. Mercury – such as can be found in a traditional Read More
I was once asked if homeopaths make a diagnosis. A good question and I fear my answer was not as concise as it might have been. The simple answer is that by law only your doctor or specialist can make a formal diagnosis. This is with good reason, because he / she can arrange blood Read More
This month I wish to share with you two homeopathic remedies for fever that are particularly helpful in children with fever – a common state of affairs Last time I introduced the topic of homeopathy as first aid in the home, and the value of having a small first aid kit, and without doubt these Read More
Calling Mums Do you have a first aid kit of homeopathic remedies? I dare say that those of you with young children have spent some time at the bedside when they are sick. What to do? Give TLC and Calpol? But have you thought about homeopathy as an alternative? Buy a remedy kit The first Read More
The Importance of Intention Prompted by the name on the door lintel in the photograph – this blog considers the role of the homeopath. The Homeopath and Good Intent So, what has all this to do with the picture? Well it was the words “The Good Intent” above the door lintel that caught my eye Read More
Atishoo – ’Tis the season (for colds and flu) Here are some ideas for self help with colds and flu. And little about homeopathy which can help too. I caught a cold last week – in common with many others, it seems. Well, it is that time of year. Pre-pandemic, colds and flu were not Read More
Homeopathy explained simply is not so easy. It is so easy to disappear down the proverbial rabbit hole. Here is a picture I took in Aberdeenshire – Deeside water, which runs down from the Cairngorms is known for its clarity and purity. Crystal clear! Homeopathy explained simply – in practice My first encounter with homeopathy Read More
Knowing your onions! Isn’t this a fantastic looking flower? It is an ornamental hybrid of the common onion from which the homeopathic remedy Allium Cepa derives. The name which may derive from two Celtic words “all” and “cep”, meaning “hot” and “head”. In full bloom the flower is indeed like a head – a big Read More
Symptoms are key to treatment in Homeopathy just as they are in orthodox (allopathic) medicine, but the interpretation is different. Winston Churchill once said that “Jaw, Jaw is better than War, War” and I suggest that his sentiment has some relevance in the practice of medicine. Symptoms in Homeopathy and Allopathy Symptoms are symptoms but Read More
I recently listened to a fascinating talk by botanist and homeopath Michal Yakir about the plants used in homeopathy today. She recently published a magnificent book titled Wondrous Order. Her thesis is that plant families (known as Orders) have meaning in mankind’s evolution and the application of homeopathic medicine. More than 50% of homeopathic medicines Read More
If you are old enough to recall TV from the 1990s, you doubtless remember Noel Edmonds and the pink character with yellow spots called Mr Blobby which he introduced to viewers. Clearly, Mr Blobby still has his fans as you can see from this website Mr Blobby even has a Wikipedia page Here Read More
Bowel Nosodes in Homeopathy are serial ultra-dilutions of bowel flora. They have a wide range of uses and not just in bowel related problems. Though almost consigned to history, modern orthodox medicine is slowly coming to the conclusion that the bio-chemistry of our guts may have wider implications. You may have heard about the microbiome? Read More
I am watching an interesting YouTube clip by Dr Zach Bush I say ‘am’ because it is quite long and I am taking it in bite size chunks. Quoting from an online version of the Oxford Dictionary he observes that the definition there in of ‘nature’ is the natural world around us; something rather Read More
“Due to overconsumption of de-natured food, and a lack of exercise and fresh air, many people, especially in the second half of their lives, often become caricatures of themselves … Nowadays we rarely see a really beautiful and healthy looking person … we are either too far or too thin .. or legs are swollen, Read More
Flu medicine in homeopathy – they were once in common use. Pandemics of the respiratory sort are not new, there were at least three in the twentieth century (1918, 1957, 1968). The good news is that they did not last very long (but I imagine – as now – that it seemed so at the Read More
That Winter is the cold and ‘flu season and as we know “coughs and sneezes spread diseases”. No surprise. It is the time for boosting immunity. Some scientists suggest that fine aerosols suffice for transmission and not just droplets. Though the deluge of conflicting scientific data in the main stream media risks the conclusion that “to a Read More