Homeopathy at Home is a new book by Marcus Fernandez of CHE in London and is available on Amazon and other booksellers. It is a concise easy to read A to Z for the everyday.
The question is whether in homeopathy there is medicine for headaches. The answer is yes, but it is not as simple as taking Acetominophen best known as paracetamol (called Tylenol in the USA).
In last month’s blog I referred to an interesting article from the University of Oxford, titled What’s the Point of Paracetamol? Apparently, here in the UK, we each take about 70 tablets annually. Wow – that does seem rather a lot.
Over the counter (OTC) – that is non-prescription – analgesics (painkillers) fall into two categories. Non Steroidal Antinflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) being one. We are all familiar with Aspirin which was first marketed by Bayer in 1899. Another common is NSAID Iboprufen dates from the 1960s. There are others.
On the other hand Paracetamol (and Calpol) is not classified as NSAID. The explanation that follows is from Yale Medicine. I must say I find the lack of certainty around how it works slightly amusing. The more I read, the less clear our understanding of the workings of our bodies seems to become! But I digress.
“As with NSAIDs, acetaminophen is thought to inhibit COX enzymes from making prostaglandins. The difference is that acetaminophen only works in the central nervous system; NSAIDs work in the brain and throughout the body. Acetaminophen is also thought to work by raising your pain threshold—it will take a greater amount of pain for you to feel it. It also targets the heat-regulating area of the brain to lower an elevated temperature, thereby reducing fever.”
The bottom line is that painkillers do little to address the underlying causes. And they are not great for the liver (which has to eliminate the drugs in time). So, be wary of regular use.
On the other hand if a toothache comes on and you cannot get an appointment with your dentist, then maybe needs must.
Back to headaches.
If you have followed my blogs on self-help homeopathy you will know that in homeopathy the aim is to match symptoms to the symptom picture of the remedy.
Unfortunately, this is a little more complicated that popping a paracetamol. Still, it is easier on your liver and gets closer to addressing the underlying factors.
One thing you need to have at home is a small remedy kit as mentioned in my earlier blogs on first aid. Both Ainsworths and Helios sell these.
There are a few practical and simple-to-use guides for those interested in using homeopathy. Here are two easy to use examples:
Homeopathy at Home is a new book by Marcus Fernandez of CHE in London and is available on Amazon and other booksellers. It is a concise easy to read A to Z for the everyday.
Homeopathic Prescribing is also available from Amazon or via the publisher. If you like flow charts rather than words this is a good choice.
Here are some leading indications in homeopathy for treating headaches using home kit medicines (remedies).
Instructions for taking remedies are given in the kits but the key thing to remember is that homeopathic remedies are absorbed throught the mucous membranes of the mouth. Simply put you allow the remedy to dissolve in the mouth. The sugar pills are a carrier for the remedy.
However, my suggestion is that you put two pills in a tumbler of water and stir (they don’t have to completely dissolve). Then take a sip every 15 minutes to start with (stir each time and hold in the mouth a few seconds) tailing off as symptoms improve.
If there is no improvement then select another remedy – this is analagous to trying another key to a lock.
Causation and what makes the headache better or worse are key consideration to choice of remedy.
One to think of where there has been exhaustive mental labour (Brain fag). Sensation as if the head was enormously enlarged. Flatulence and possibly diarrhoea (often associated with anticipation – e.g. pre exam nerves). Much better in the open air. May crave sweets which then diagree.
Thobbing pain focused on the forehead. Head hot. Cannot bear noise or a bright light. Worse from lying down. Congested state. Pain tends to be right sided. More likely to start late in the day. Think of this remedy in sunstroke
Keynote here is worse from slightest motion. Wants to lie perfectly still. Very thirsty. Irritable (“leave me alone”). Cause may be constipation. Pain tends to be over left eye. Better for pressure, so one lies on the painful side. Begins in the morning afer opening the eyes.
The Cocculus headache starts at the back of the head (occiput) and neck. Cannot lie on back of the head (i.e. worse for pressure). Association with motion sickness after travelling (hence vertigo). Nausea. Some affinity with irregular menses. Eating or drinking aggravate.
Headache starts in the back of the head, extending forward causing a bursting sensation in the forehead. Keynote for this remedy is a dull, drowsy and droopy state (especially eyelids), which makes it also a remedy for classic ‘flu. Worse for emotional upset (bad news). Better for head raised high and from urination.
Pain as if a nail driven through the side of the head. Pains shift. Curious contradictory symptoms e.g. sore throat better on swallowing. Key remedy if headache is associated with grief or disappointment. Much sighing. Cannot tolerate smoke fumes. Better for warmth.
Neuralgic headache (consider in toothache). Intermittent and sharp pains. Better for warmth and pressure.
Periodic headache of great severity. Visual disturbances and very sensitive to light. Worse sunrise to sunset and better for sleep. May have an emotional cause. Like Ignatia, there is an association with grief, but of a deeper longstanding type.
Pain in back of the head or over the eyes. Remedy for overindugence (e.g. hangover). Also ‘burning the candle at both ends’ – hence caused by overwork, maybe stimulated by excess coffee or alcohol. Hypersensitve. Worse after sleep.
Typically a female remedy. Rapidly shifting pains is a keynote. Better in the open air and worse indoors, especially in a warm room. Generally better for cold things – drink (though not thirsty), food and applications. Easily brought to tears.
If you wish more guidance, or to explore the potential benefits of Homeopathic treatment, please book a discovery call via my website or mail me at [email protected] and I will respond by return