Homeopathy for Fever in Children

Posted on 27th March 2025

Homeopathy is very effective for the treatment of fever in children ( and adults for that matter).

In this blog I wish to share general self-help measures useful for every parent. This article continues my series on Family Care with Homeopathy

I am assuredly not an expert on this matter (my son is now in his 30s!) and so I draw on texts such as Dr Andrew Lockie’s Family Guide to Homeopathy (available second hand from such as Abebooks), pamphlets available from Dr Jayne Donegan and The Waldorf Guide to Childrens Health (Kindle edition).

No longer in print but my first go to guide on homeopathy

What is Fever?

Fever (high temperature above 37 deg.C) is not a disease but a reaction to an infection. It is a normal defence response. You can find some good general guidance on fever in children from the NHS. It has become commonplace to give paracetamol containing products like Calpol but this is of questionable necessity. The elevated temperature aids the immune system fight off infection, reducing that temperature is clearly counter productive to some degree.

Dr Donegan in her downloadble guide defines fever in this way:

“Fever – the chemical reactions required for the clean-out process work more efficiently at a higher temperature, as do the white cells in the immune system that help to scavenge and clean out rubbish”

In the Waldorf Guide pictured below, the authors write:

“Fever is a decisive aid to processing and overcoming the bodily challenges that occur during many illnesses. Other functions and activities, such as eating, digestion, sensory perception, interest in one’s surroundings, play and so forth, take second place to the body’s efforts to produce a fever.”

An excellent guide for parents which includes using Homeopathy  in the management of fever in children

Dr Lockie writes much in a similar vein, noting that there are fevers without a rash mostly of the respiratory sort or ear infections, and those with. Chicken pox comes in the latter category, and such as measles (now rarely seen due to vaccination).

Medical Help

Clearly, there are circimstances when you should contact your doctor, call 111 or go to A&E. In the Waldorf Guide they advise that you do so…

For any fever that significantly impacts your child’s state of health. That is to say accompanied by:

  • significant drowsiness;
  • headache, stiff neck, other diffuse or severe pains;
  • significantly laboured breathing;
  • considerable fluid loss through diarrhoea or vomiting or if your baby does not want to drink anything;
  • the fever rises above 40°C but your baby’s skin still feels cool;
  • Any fever that varies up and down by more than 1.5°C (without chemical fever-reducing medication);
  • Your child continues to seem severely affected in spite of effective fever-reducing measures.

The same source notes that febrile seizures (obviously alarming) are not serious if of short duration (<15 minutes). These result from immaturity of the immune system. But, should they last for greater than 15 minutes or repeat, then seek medical assistance.

Seeking advice in an unfamiliar situation (typical for new parents) is no failure, and it is better to err on the safe side.

But children don’t always fall unwell at convenient times or in convenient places (e.g. you are on holiday) so some first aid measures are worth knowing.

Sensible Supportive Measures

Dr Donegan, offers some good simple advice.

An excellent guide for the (Homeopathic) Treatment of Fever in Children

If memory does not fail me! – her advice aligns with my recollection of my late mother’s care for me.

In an age of screens it may seem passé but given that the Mk1 human being has not changed that much, her advice assuredly still holds true:

1 – Plenty Fresh air and Fluids

  • Fresh air – open the window; during mild weather, nurse outside – at night, open the window even if only a little
  • Loose clothing – made of soft, natural fibres
  • Plenty of clear fluids – for example:
    • water;
    • half diluted apple juice;
    • ginger, honey & lemon tea* (children seem to prefer it cooled) or stock.
    • avoid artificial sweetners – and Dr Donegan doesn’t favour orange juice
    • small frequent sips are more useful than occasional large gulps , especially in gastric upsets
    • But, breast milk must be continued and babies on formula milk need to restart by 24 hours if they are not weaned
    • No dairy produce – no milk (save breast), including soya, yoghurt, cheese, eggs until well on the mend – as dairy increases mucus, upsets stomachs and may increase fever.

2 – Minimal food

  • No food unless hungry and no fever – this is VERY important. Children naturally fast when ill, do not attempt to feed them when they don’t want to eat.
  • When the fever is down, if they are hungry feed them a light diet – starch, minimal fat ,to be chewed well, for example:
    • peeled slices of apple;
    • wholemeal toast scraped with Marmite or honey, with no crusts, cut into squares about the size of a postage stamp – give half a slice at a time;
    • mashed potato made with cooked potato, boiling water and a pinch of salt (my favourite as a child was potato mashed with tomato, I recall);
    • vegetable soup, home made;
    • fruit or cooked vegetables; all in very small quantities
    • After diarrhoea and vomiting, no meat, fish, fatty food or dairy up to a week after better. If dairy or normal diet is introduced and symptoms start again go back to fasting or light diet until symptom free
  • Honey on a teaspoon is very good for sore throats and stops harmful bacteria from multiplying (not advised in babies less than 1 year)

3 – Rest

  • REST is extremely important; if symptoms are minimal then it a child may run around and then rest when tired, otherwise they must rest and sleep in order to get well. Have the child in the room you are in helps, so that they do not feel ‘abandoned’.
  • No TV/ computer/ books – audio material or being read to are fine.
  • Room temperature cool – between 15.C and 18.C

Children don’t have time to be sick these days, which is a pity as it is an important part of buidling immunity for the rest of our lives.

Dr Donegan says much more, and I do recommend downloading her pdf booklet ‘Nursing children safely through acute illness – Safe Management of Fever’. It costs but £3.50.

Homeopathy for Fever in Children

Here is a list of common homeopathic medicines available in first aid kits.

first aid kits containing day to day remedies - essetial for using Homeopathy for the Treatment of Fever in Children

It is worth stating that no medicine – homeopathic or otherwise – makes you or your child instantly well! Well selected, what it will do is shorten the duration of the illness, and help prevent complications such as a deeper chest infection. Children, in particular, have to get sick sometimes, this is now the immune system learns and resilience builds.

Choosing a homeopathic remedy is like finding the right key for a lock. If you don’t see any improvement in an hour or so (give the remedy every 15 minutes), then reconsider the case and try another remedy. Armed with Andrew Lockies book, I well recall my son at about 4 years old with some infection. There was no response to the initial remedies given (aconite likely and then something else). I then decided to try Gelsemium before calling the doctor. His demeanour changed in a matter of minutes – beginner’s luck!

Alas it is not always that quick. I recall a conversation with a homeopathic vet who told me how he gave his feverish child Belladonna through the night and observed the rapid breathing gradually subside. You are looking for gradual improvement.

  • Aconite
    • sudden onset; high fever; dry burning skin; one cheek red; child anxious; dry cough
    • worse in the evening / night; worse in a warm room (uncovers himself)
    • first remedy to give; aconite is a remedy for the first 36 hours only
  • Arsenicum
    • restless; very shivery; thirsty for small sips; skin burns
    • worse from cold; better from heat; warm drinks;
    • better from company; from sitting up
    • a remedy for asthma worse at midnight; (also for vomiting and diarrhoea from food poisoning)
  • Belladonna
    • another sudden onset high fever remedy; Belladonna has rage and delirium rather than anxiety; red face; pupils dilated; burning hot; worse around 3pm; not thirsty
    • worst for noise; jar
    • better from bed rest; being in a dark room
    • Aconite and Belladonna are the first remedies to think of when a child gets sick
  • Bryonia
    • slow onset – over a few days; hot / cold alternates; irritable
    • painful cough; frontal headaches; Bryonia = ‘dry-onia‘ – very thirsy
    • worse for any motion must lie down
    • better for quiet
  • Chamomilla
    • whining restlessness; thirsty; hot and numb
    • another one cheek red – one cheek pale remedy; can be associated with teething or earache
    • pains are unendurable; toys thrown! – frantic (mental calmness is not Chamomilla)
    • worse from being uncovered; at night (9pm to midnight)
    • better being carried; rocked
  • Ferrum phos
    • fevers with unclear symptoms; slow onset; early stage remedy
    • worse in open air and from touch; worse early morning
    • better for cold applications
  • Gelsemium
    • classic ‘flu-like fever; dullness, droopy and drowsy are the three keywords
    • generally not thirsty; trembling
    • worse from motion; bad news; mid morning
    • better after urination; with warmth
  • Pulsatilla
    • children like fuss and caresses; very weepy
    • remedy for fevers of childhood illnesses (no1 for measles in the past)
    • chilly even in a warm room (averse to heat); thirstless
    • better in the open air; gentle motion; cold applications

The practical realities of my time availabilty mean that mostly work with longer term conditions rather that ‘acutes’. However, I would be happy – with appropriate notice – to give a talk to any small group who might be interested in the use of homeopathy for first aid at home. Please, email me at [email protected] if you wish to enquire.

Homeopathy at home - has a chapter on Homeopathy for the treatment of fever in children
society of Homeopaths

Disclaimer: I am a qualified professional homeopath and not a medical doctor. The NHS has many resources, and seeking the opinion of your GP is always of value.

© 2025 Allan Pollock