What to Expect during a Homeopathic Consultation

Posted on 9th February 2025

In this blog I describe the unique and important nature of the homeopathic consultation, something particular to homeopathy.

If you would like to explore whether homeopathy could help with your health please book a free 30 minute Discovery Call via this button.


The homeopathic consultation or better put ‘conversation’ is of great importance.  Dr Brian Kaplan in his book titled The Homeopathic Conversation says that it is the most important part of the whole process of Homeopathic Treatment.  

The Homeopathic Consultion is patient led

Homeopathic Consultation: Knowledge or Listening

The practitioner of homeopathy might reasonably be expected to have an in-depth knowledge of homeopathic philosophy, its medicines and texts.  But all of this book knowledge amounts to nothing if the patient is not disposed to tell their unique story.  Recall that homeopathy matches the ‘picture’ of the medicine to that ‘picture’ of the patient. This according to the natural law of similars (homeo = similar & pathy = suffering or like cures like).

Books are only part of the Homeopathic Conversation

Medicine as Science and Art

Medicine is both Science and Art.  Taking the case is an art that now rather diluted in western scientific medicine inpart due to time pressures. Dr Paul Dieppe in his recent book ‘Healing and Medicine: a doctor’s journey towards their integration’, expands on this. It is a book worth reading.

Case Taking

Brian Kaplan writes:  ‘The approach of classical homeopathic history taking is very respectful of the patient’s feelings and the patient senses this…. This is the major difference between the homeopathic approach and the way I was taught to take the standard medical history….’.

Medical and Homeopathic Approaches Compared

‘The medical approach is to listen for vital clues that will lead to a conventional diagnosis. [Though] you might listen politely as the patient talks about his emotions fears and relationships… this information is relatively unimportant in arriving at a diagnosis. [In contrast] the quality of listening [is] quite different from that of the homeopath who must listen not only to every word but also to the tone of voice in which it is expressed.  This is the beauty of homeopathy….  

‘Good homeopathic case-taking values everything the patient says and the way the conversation between homeopath and patient evolves is led by the patient in contrast to a conventional case-taking which is very much led by the doctor.  The homeopathic history is totally inclusive of a competent orthodox medical history but also covers a great deal of other territory.  The classical homeopath is obliged to listen carefully to every word uttered by his patient.  This is exactly what makes our profession special.  The undivided attention of the homeopath to his patient creates an atmosphere in the room in which the patient feels respected, understood and even loved.  This is the elegance of the homeopathic conversation.’

[Note that there is always value in the conventional diagnosis. Most clients seeking homeopathic advice will have seen their GP and be exploring other options]

Homeopathic Consultation – The NBWS Concept

Perhaps the concept of the homeopathic conversation seems intrusive?  You have a skin problem or arthritis or a problem with your digestion. What more does the practitioner need to know?  For the time pressured GP if you have X best practice says take Y. If there is no improvement get back in touch. 

In homeopathy NBWS stands for Never Been Well Since. It is an important concept that helps explain thee value of the homeopathic consultation.  Quite commonly alongside the main complaint there are several lesser concerns that are of little concern or are well managed.  Homeopathy is (w)holistic medicine, it does not comparmentalise in this way.  Your skin problem and apparently unrelated recurrent headaches or vice versa are still part of the totality.

Back in 2017 I attended a course at the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy on the Greek island of Alonnissos. (close to Skiathos where btw Mamma Mia was filmed!).  Its founder Prof. George Vithoulkas is now 92 years old and still working.  He took the case of one of the lady students I well remember the prescription of  Arnica.  Arnica has an affinity with deep painful bruises and is in the top-ten first aid remedy list. This lady had no bruises – so why Arnica?  The NBWS was trauma from assault decades before.  There were bruises but mental not physical.

The Vital (or Life) Force

Dr Samuel Hahnemann who set down the principles of homeopathic medicine some two centuries ago wrote:

The material organism, without the vital force, is capable of no sensation, no function, no self-preservation; it derives all sensation and performs all the functions of life solely by means of the immaterial being (the vital force) which animates the material organism in health and disease.

Only the vital principal thus disturbed can give to the organism its abnormal sensations and incline it to the irregular actions we call disease’.

In the story above the vital force of the lady had been disturbed by the trauma suffered those decades earlier. Stuck and unable to reestablish equilibrium itself she needed Arnica to restore harmony. So restored her other health issues may resolve.

Hahnemann’s thinking was radical then and now, yet profound.  Dr James Tyler Kent – one of the most notable 20th century American homeopaths – wrote in a lecture: 

‘This is totally different from calling the results of the disease, the disease, e.g. calling Bright’s disease, cancer or palsy, diseases.  Most of the conditions of the human economy that are called diseases in the books are not diseases but the results of disease…’.

Hahnemann and the Homeopathic Conversation

society of Homeopaths

Disclaimer: I am a qualified professional homeopath and not a medical doctor. The NHS has many resources, and seeking the opinion of your GP is always of value.

© 2025 Allan Pollock